Summer vacation is over and the reality of a busy fall work
season is staring me in the face, but I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on
the good, the bad, and the boring of the past few months.
D.C. is the new San Francisco. Ok,
that may be overstating things just a bit, but the D.C. weather this summer has
been positively pleasant, not at all the typical hot-and-humid horror that
makes me want to curl up into a ball on the sofa in my air conditioned family
room. No, not at all.2. I survived the Bay Bridge. Really. And I drove over that sucker 4 times in a 2-week period. Screwed my courage to the sticking place, I did, just like Lady MacBeth told her husband to do…although it didn’t turn out so well for MacBeth, did it? Anyway….
3. Summer movies suck. There, I said it. I am officially over the summer movie season – but thank god the fall movie season is around the corner, making it safe for grown-ups to go back to the theatres again. ‘Bout time.
4. I didn’t lose the 50 pounds. But then again, I never do….
5. I didn’t gain the 20 pounds. So, there is a little bit of good news….
6. Looks like I’ll live another year. At least, that’s according to my doctor who pronounced that I am in reasonably good health based on my annual physical.
7. But I do have a lung CT tomorrow. Just to be on the safe side, former smoker that I am.
8. And I still have foot pain. I think my hurting heel is something I’ll have to get used to.
9. I’m getting a new bathroom! I’m getting a new bathroom! Isn’t that great? It’s the little things in life…
10. It’s almost Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday. And it’s only 3 months away!!
Enjoy your Labor Day weekend. We’ll be in touch soon.