Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I Heart a Watch

…And so the silence ends from my little corner of Arlington, VA.

Mrs. Sedd has been AWOL for a variety of reasons, some of them having to do with the lack of irritating inspiration for penning my little missives, and some that are personal.  Plus, when you don’t have anything much to say, I say don’t say it.
However, my silence ends now, just as my heart beat per minute is 82.

How do I know this, you ask?  I consulted my watch.
No, it’s not just any watch, it’s my bat-phone, batty little fashion-accessory-cum-high-tech-toy.  It’s…yes…drumroll, please…my iWatch.

I heart my iWatch.  Not just because I can call my husband (even if I can’t really hear his reply so well because I haven’t quite figured out the audio control yet).  Not just because I can track my activity level (sometimes inaccurately, but then my watch is quirky that way).  And not just because I keep semi-insulting Siri with a bunch of ridiculous questions ("How do you like living inside a watch?").
Oh, and I also love the fact I can read CNN headlines, scan texts, buy Starbucks and browse office emails all from  my watch!  It’s true that my iPhone can do these things too and in a way that’s much easier on my aging eyes.  But it’s just not as cool as my watch which should, by extension, make me cool too.

Ok, stop laughing now.

That’s what I have to share with you today:  my pathetically pleased, sixty-something self, happily in love with a gadget.  And the best part?  I didn’t even consult an instructional video to figure out how to figure it out.

Go figure.