Monday, February 2, 2015

A Very Brady Super Bowl

No matter what you think about “deflategate,” Tom Brady’s four touchdowns and 37 completions were pretty impressive even for this not-a-big-football fan viewer.  I tuned into the Super Bowl mostly to watch Idina Menzel sing "The Star Spangled Banner" like "Let It Go" and Katy Perry to kick off her half-time extravaganza with a “Roar.”  Not surprisingly, however, I ended up totally into the game.  It’s true that Seahawk coach Pete Carroll’s big boo-boo will forever grace the list of really, really bad sports calls; still it did make me slap my forehead in utter amazement by making the other list  -- of really, really good television.
Once the infamous interception occurred, the game was over and my husband was totally over the game – he was still smarting over those “cheaters” making it into the Super Bowl.  It was simply too much for him to watch the Patriots prevail.  He went off into the night to collect our daughter from a Super Bowl party without watching the post-game prognostication.  I pretty much watched all of it.

And now today, with most everyone in agreement that the game was really “super,” people turned their attention to the ads that, in years past, have offered the evening’s most reliable entertainment.
From the ads I remember, I still love the horse and puppy even though it’s a really trite spot. Liam Neeson’s game ad was a hoot, and Pierce Brosnan’s Kia spot should have been funnier because he was so good in it.  Kim Kardasian was a riot because she just is. Finally, the Marsha Brady spot with that great character actor from all the Spy Kids movies whose name I can never remember was funny as was Steve Buscemi’s guest spot as “Jan Brady.”   Ha!

There were lots of other spots that were pretty bad and a few more that were ok -- but who really cares?  Are you going to buy a single thing because of them?
When it was all over, at the end of the day (literally) and well into the night, Tom Brady continued to invade my consciousness -- but not in the way you might think.  I dreamt that the NFL was paying for Super Bowl rings for every member of his family (even the little ones) although they’re not.  Weird.

If I'm dreaming about Super Bowl rings, I know it's time for us all to take our annual break from America’s favorite pastime and watch some decent TV on Sunday evenings again (actually, the only night of the week I religiously make an effort to watch shows I like.)  
Pass the popcorn.  Time for me to watch some Girls.                 

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