Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bipolar Blues

If you review my posts this week, you will notice my bipolar reaction to the end of the government shutdown, the continuing onslaught about Obamacare and the rapidly approaching end of daylight saving time, among other things.
To wit:

·         As happy as I am that my husband is back at work, I have to say it was nice having him do the little odd-jobs around the home that, in some cases, he’s put off for years.

·       The Obamacare website will work and anti-Affordable Care Act advocates will be faced with the stark reality that people can now really get healthcare coverage for a fraction of what it would otherwise cost them. And they will like it.   I’ll illustrate my point with a 21-year-old example:  I was nearly 40 and had left a full-time job to work part time so I could try my hand at writing a novel. (It remains unpublished for those who are wondering…and for a very good reason, for those who are not.)  I had a healthcare COBRA for 18 months with Kaiser Permanente.  It cost over $500/month, which required me to eat a lot of tuna fish and hot dogs for a while.  Healthcare coverage through Obamacare today would cost not much more than half that now…and this is 20 years later.  Ok, I understand that the website is a monumental #@!$-up, but what part of coverage for millions of Americans and saving money don’t people get??? And why is it so terrifyingly anti-American for some folks????  Sorry, all this political chest-thumping doesn’t make much sense to me.

·         I loathe driving home in the dark at the end of the work day.  And it’s horrible waking up to the dark, too, in the morning.  Makes me feel like a lab rat on a wheel.  It’s almost time for to our clocks to be turned back amidst the joys of Seasonal Affective Disorder syndrome.  Looks like I’m going to have to conduct Netflix binging on romcoms for the next 5 months or so. 
But, on the lighter side of life:

1.     Halloween is almost here and I love seeing little kids in their costumes…and my bigger kid too.

2.     Thanksgiving is fast approaching…my favorite holiday of the year because it’s not about giving or getting stuff, it’s about getting stuffed! 

3.       Christmas is my favorite time of year and I begin the holiday the week before by going to as many new movies as I can and shopping at the last minute.  This year, I’m contemplating hosting a small holiday party just because I need a little Christmas.  Right this very minute.  Like now.

4.       I will be 61 soon, which is great.  I’m still standing, which is greater.  And I’ve decided to stay “60” forever, which is my choice.  E.g., MrsSedd@Sixty.
That’s enough out of me for one week.  Enjoy your weekend.


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