Thursday, May 30, 2013


I’m having an Ah-Ha moment.

My subconscious is working overtime right this very minute to come up with a big new idea for this post.  As I sit here writing, I’m brainstorming with myself, some like this:

I haven’t written about things I really hate a lot, like fruit, so I suppose I could but what if I insult some fruit lover out there, or get a lot of comments back about the fact that everybody loves fruit, what’s wrong with me?  I’m not in the mood for hurting anyone’s feelings, including my own,  but maybe there’s an idea in that?... when bad things happen to good people’s feelings…but then again, I think that’s been done before.  How about something about hating dentists?  There’s something everyone can relate to…

But actually, I don’t think the brainstorming with myself thing is really working for me because I’m just feeling a little emotionally blocked at this moment.  So, I need to get present with myself, because that’s what many experts say you need to do to come up with big ideas.  By being more aware of people, places and things, as well as how you interact with them easily or with difficulty, can rev up that subconscious brain in ways that allow you to come up with…Instagram!
Which, of course, some newly minted 20-something billionaire came up with not so long ago, so I guess it works for some.  But all I want is a stinking topic for a post.

The reality is that some days we just don’t feel very creative, and that happens to me too with this blog.  So, as a last resort, I reached out to my husband for advice on today’s pithy little dose of Mrs. Sedd. 
“#%$*-it, don’t you dare write about me.”

That’s the ticket!


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