Several events in recent days have led me to join the
motherhood of cyber-snoops.
- (1) A $330 mobile phone bill largely caused by my daughter exceeding her data plan (on my account) by more than 100%.
- (2) Some boy who sent a tween-aged smutty text
message to my daughter’s girlfriend (I don’t know all the specifics of
the message but it was enough to make my helicopter mom blades whirl just
imagining it).
- (3) The video calls via Skype and Face Time are
taking precedence over “family time” in the evening.

I’ve become twitchy, a tad tech-wary and very good at
telling small fibs so I can check out my daughter’s phone. I’m not doing it all the time, but just
enough to make sure she’s not the recipient of stalker texting and other
inappropriate communications. Based on my recent recognizance of her messages,
I don’t think we’re in the danger zone yet, i.e., signing up for But I’m not ruling it out in
the future.
Of course we’ve discussed with our child our concerns about
texting, social media, etc., etc. and for the most part she gets it because
she’s a good kid and actually likes being a good kid. She knows that Facebook is a big fat “no” for
her, although Instagram does have its allure.
I don’t think she knows about Snapchat or Tumblr yet, but neither do I
really. This is a brave new world for
me, and I have a lot of territory to cover in my cyber-snooping.
Regarding the phone bill situation, my darling daughter
confessed to not doing anything deliberate to ramp up her consumption of data,
and I believe her. She asked me if we
were running out of money, though (I lied and said “no”) while my husband reexamined
the settings on her phone in a last ditch effort to slow our rate of cash flow
into the coffers of our monopolistic mobile phone provider.
In any event, I am now in possession of my daughter’s
private, 4-digit security code and am sufficiently capable of the most credible
diversionary tactics, thereby allowing Cyber Dad or Cyber Snoop Mom to take
quick possession of her lifeline to the virtual Queendom of Tweendom. That said, I’m not sure what we do about those
video chats each night – she loves it because she can see friends, who can see
her, and they get to perform as they talk to each other, sharing lots of
posing, histrionics and
laughter. Sigh.
Absent taking custody of her phone -- which we really don’t
want to do unless she does something stupid that requires such a punitive
action, like ride her electric scooter without a helmet or text at 3am -- I
think we’re kind of stuck with my daughter’s virtual playdates.
But wait – if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em! Each night, we can spend 30 blissful minutes
of smart phone family “face time” from the comfort of our preferred quarters: Her sanctuary, my big bed, and my husband’s
family room throne.
Skype us up, Scotty!
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