It’s time to remind you, however, that we live in a
participatory democracy. And Mrs. Sedd
is a bit of a Democratic despot about such things. I command
you to engage. Really. Pretty please. Mrs. Sedd is all ears, so spill.
What makes you tick?
What makes you sick? What makes
you ick? Let’s start with 3 easy questions in order to peel away a few layers
of the onion.
Who or what would you take to a desert island
with you? Be expansive, if you’re in the mood.
2. What is the most surprising thing about you that
would not compromise your privacy to share? (I’d never want to do that. Truly.)
3. What is the biggest blessing about getting older
– and the biggest curse? (For you personally – you don’t have to be the voice
of your generation unless you want to be. That’s my job, haha.)
If confidentiality is an issue for you, I respect that –
email me. But if Mrs. Sedd’s few and
largely anonymous group of readers (they probably don’t know you) don’t
rattle you, please comment so we
can all benefit from your wisdom and experience, or lack thereof. We’re waiting….
Happy Wednesday.
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