As another work week comes to a close and I contemplate the weekend ahead, I thought I would celebrate life by sharing with you just a few things that I love today, this very day. So here goes:
My daughter’s pale pink, sheer and very “on
trend” camp shirt – one of the 7 similar shirts she bought for nearly $100 without
my permission when she went shopping at Marshall’s with a friend and her
mother. Of course, she has good taste so
I forgave her just so long as she never
does it again.
My iPad – because I literally can’t live without
it anymore.
Neil Gaiman’s new novel, The Ocean at the End of the Lane -- it reminds me of A Wrinkle in Time, probably one of my
favorite books as a kid. And it’s spooky
good reading for tweens and/or their parents.
Here’s to family reading hour!
Midget-sized Twix
candy bars -- there is always a jar of miniature chocolates filled regularly
throughout the day in my office’s little “coffee house” space where employees
mix and mingle (about work, of course!).
Boy, Twix are wicked good. I try
not to haunt that jar too often during the day.
Summer – especially July. I’m not a huge fan of August because by that
time I’m so done with the heat and humidity of the season and I’m ready to
sprint toward the end-of-year holidays. However, July is pretty great: hot but not horrible, slower-paced than June,
better commuting traffic to and from work and not as many mosquitos when I sit
outside with a glass of wine at the end of a long day. Sweet.
Vacation – it’s coming at the end of July and I
can’t wait. Six beach days. Heaven.
My treadmill – I’ve reacquainted myself with the
joys of 20-30 minutes of treading first thing in the morning and I’m happier
for it. We’ll see how long that lasts!
Big Bang Theory
-- funny, funny, funny, all the time.
I know I’ve said this to you before, but this show is LOL, and I can’t
say that about too many things on TV or in life these days.
This blog – I can’t tell you how much I enjoy writing
to you and even sometimes for you…although, truth be told, these little missives
have the effect on me of the best retail
therapy ever – and that’s saying something.
My family – always and every day. Including my grumpy dad.
Hope you appreciate or share at least one of the things you
love today, too. And that is my “happy
weekend” wish for you!
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