Monday, August 31, 2015

High School

My little girl is officially a high school freshman today.  How the hell did that happen?

If I close my eyes right this minute I am back in the moment when David and I walked through a soft drizzle of rain with our 5 year-old for her first day at Kindergarten. 
Now her march to adulthood kicks into high gear.  On the one hand, I’m so thrilled for her – high school is such a time of personal growth and exploration, some bad but mostly good.  On the other, I’m terrified for her, because our world today is so unpredictable, less civil, and more wantonly competitive than at any time I can remember.  My daughter will need to call on all of her social and intellectual IQ to navigate her path to the future; David and I can only help with love, encouragement and, yes, some degree of emotional and financial stability.   At the end of the day, however, her journey will be her own.

But I get ahead of myself, as I often do when it comes to this child whom I love more than anything.
For now, the focus need to be on Algebra, science, English composition, history and electives, so she can come to the task of more demanding work with an open, enthusiastic mind.  In tandem with that, David and I will happily play our parts as cheerleaders at volleyball and basketball games; chauffeurs to dances and hangouts; top cops on first dates with would-be boyfriends; academic subject matter experts where we can be without steering her wrong; and, for me, chef de jour to ensure she’s eating reasonably well so that she can function during the day.

When we look back on these years, I hope we’ll do so with wonder, pride, amusement and a minimum of regret. I also hope the friends she holds in confidence and comradery will remain among her dearest friends for life.  Indeed, this is how it was for me, looking back on my high school career – one of the greatest, most enduring gifts on my trip to today.
Here’s to the Class of 2019 and the lovely young woman I am so honored to call my daughter.

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