Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Hit or Miss List: Pop Culture Edition

Hello, friends, here’s the latest installment of the things that bug me or delight me (at the moment) for your reading pleasure. Opinions expressed are truly my own.
My "hit" list today:

·        British singer Laura Marling's Once I Was an Eagle.  Wow.  She’s got a little – no, a lot – of early Joni Mitchell in her voice, and yet, she doesn’t either.  She’s unique, powerful,  fearless.  At first, you may say, “wha?” but hang in there for Master Hunter, Once and Where Can I Go? while the other songs slowly seep into your brain and take root there. 

·         Man of Steel.  I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it’s on my to-do list.  I totally get Amy Adams as Lois Lane.

·         Big Bang Theory.  When I’m feeling blue or having nothing to do, I can count on this to distract me with laughter for an hour or 2. (They run 4 episodes a night on TBS during the week for those who need a righteous dose of happiness).  Geeks are fun.

·         The White Queen.  Novelist Philippa Gregory’s novels about the War of the Roses are coming to cable.   Yay!  I love Brits and I especially love their history!!  Look for it to start in August on STARZ.

·         The Age of Miracles.  A thrilling summer read about a 12 year old girl and the end of the world as we know it. You won’t put it down until it’s done.  And then you’ll go out and buy a lot of sun screen.  A clue.
"Miss" it -- and you don't need my permission, either:

·         Any TV series featuring a serial killer.  Which essentially means you won’t be watching any TV this summer.

·         Arrested Development on Netflix.  We never watched it on Fox, so my hubby and I marathon-streamed the first 4 episodes.  Bad idea because we realized how completely unfunny it is, despite the big talented cast. Or we just have no sense of humor, which is possible too;  although, I personally think we have very ticklish funny bones.

·        Some would argue this is news and not pop culture, but they really do seem more alike to me these days than not:  so, I nominate as a “miss” the early media coverage of Edward Snowden, the 29 year-old Booz Allen consultant whose release of top secret NSA info to The Guardian has apparently blown a hole in the US intelligence apparatus.  Who needs Al Qaeda when you have guys like this? 

·       The Guardian reporter, Glenn Greenwald.  I'm all for investigative journalism, but this guy loves his 15 minutes of fame more than a country's safety.  Forsooth and for shame!...but  there you go – that’s the world we live in.
Until tomorrow. 


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