Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Dreaming a Little Dream of Me

I’m in escapist mode today:  Too little to do at the office today and too much time to spend on a nice daydream.

So here goes….

I’m having a dinner party at my fantasy flat in a chic London neighborhood with all my posh work friends, and some not so posh.  It is a late October afternoon of grey skies and chill-to-the-bone rain outdoors.  Inside, my husband is nursing a Guinness in a vast sitting room, regaling an intelligent friend (who he is, I know not) with some obscure story about Abraham Lincoln as a young lawyer, while my daughter sits in a window seat, typing away on her mobile phone.  I am happily in the kitchen, getting ready to serve a huge pot of Cincinnati chili and corn bread to the assembled throng.
But no, I’m not really in the mood for a chilly and damp fall evening in London with imaginary friends, so my mind wanders to….

A rustic, fantasy beach home on Fire Island, where my oldest friends in the world and I are sitting on a deck, staring out at the ocean, while sipping some pomegranate and vodka drink or another that tastes cool and refreshing, chatting away like magpies, jumping on each other’s words to make a point.  In this lovely reverie, we are all fit and tanned and younger with lovely hair that hasn’t started graying or thinning out yet….
But then, my thought pattern rewinds back to a special memory from the past….

My husband and I are in the outdoor, heated, salt-water pool at the Banff Springs Hotel in Canada, surrounded by the majestic Rockies.  It is a cloud-free late August day and, despite the sun, there’s an early indication of fall in the air.  Our 3 year-old daughter stands on sturdy little legs at the edge of the pool, cautiously optimistic that if she jumps in, her father will catch her.  Her eyes light up, she leaps, he does, she squeals with delight, we intertwine ourselves in each other’s arms, one happy family unit.  Smile. Misty eyes.  At top of short list of best holidays ever.
Phone rings. Crap. Work.

Back to the here and now. Happy Tuesday.


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